Carlos Carmonamedina

Carlos Carmonamedina is a visual artist, graphic designer, and world traveler who creates “colorful cards for wandering minds” under the brand name The Culture Curious.
As a passionate traveler and artist, Carlos has merged his two great loves to bring you a vibrant world of stationery that explores the fascinating intersections of culture, identity, and friendship. To be "culture curious" is to tap into our infinite sense of wonder, where we learn as much about others as ourselves. Stationery is his medium because while it is a small gesture, he believes that the sentiment and energy we put into gifting tangible mementos has the potential to create lasting human connections.
Since Carlos began creating cards in 2016, he has discovered that playful themes can uplift hearts and build bridges between distant places. It is this profound appreciation for our shared human experience that drives him to speak to the awe-inspiring multiplicity of this vast planet.
You can learn more about Carlos by visiting his website and following him on Instagram @alwaysculturecurious.